How Does Trauma Impact the Body?

Your nervous system is designed to keep you safe. We, as humans, are wired for safety and security. Our nervous system reacts and sends out signals in times of stress to keep us safe. You have probably heard of flight, fight, and freeze responses of the sympathetic nervous system. This is an AUTOMATIC process in times of perceived threat to our safety and security. It is not SO much a CHOICE. Either we can REACT with our prefrontal cortex (our brain’s area that holds knowledge, logic, and reasoning) or REACT with the AUTOMATIC process of protection. It is one or the other. Think of it like a light switch; it is either off or on.

The problem happens when our brains over-identify situations that were dangerous in the past as dangerous in the present. The switch is stuck on, our reasoning and judgment are offline, and we react based on instinct, wired for protection. We might yell and say things we don’t mean, avoid situations that seem too overwhelming, agree with people when we normally wouldn’t, or go along with the flow when we really want to speak up. When our body reacts on instinct, it is not focusing on systems that keep us healthy. It is focused on survival. Often sleep is interrupted; social situations are overwhelming, we react on emotions rather than logic. Our digestion is disrupted because the body is using quicker forms of fuel to respond to threats. Our bodies’ are unconsciously perceiving safety vs. threats all the time without our knowledge. Many times when we experience emotional sensations, the body is sending out signals via the nervous system, which create feelings that cause us to react (tight chest, hot flushing, pit in the stomach, tension, rapid heartbeat, more energy, and tightened fists with anger, and quicker breathing to name a few.

So, What’s the Solution?

Creating an environment where you feel safe and secure is essential in trauma treatment. Building skills to regulate emotions before the alarm system is activated. By becoming more aware of your early warning signs of stress, learning to scale your feelings to be PROACTIVE rather than REACTIVE, you can learn to take control of your feelings, thoughts, and life. When you learn to create safety for your body and mind, your body no longer NEEDS to react; it feels SAFE & CONTENT. It takes consistent practice, small safe steps, and a supportive environment. Therapy is a great place to start; let’s figure out situations that throw you off and create a plan to intervene early so you can stay on track with where you want to go. We only score points when we are playing offense. We need to look forward and focus on solutions rather than the symptoms to get ahead.

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It all begins with a single action or positive thought. Be intentional about creating the response you want in life. Give yourself a break for the things you did when your nervous system was activated. We have all been there. It is a normal reaction to high levels of stress. Beating yourself up puts you in shame mode where you are sure to act out on the next thing that stresses you

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